Wildkin Witchcamp

Weaving the Thread of Community


Our 2024 camp will be held on the 4th-7th of October 2024!

Dancing with Fire between Earth below and Stars above – the power of imagination abounds

Respecting Fire gathered round the Heart/Hearth – the power to burn and break down

Weaving Fire through Crafting and Cooking – the power to create our fate

Singing Fire with Community’s stories and silence – the power to build our spirits up


Breathing Fire within and without – we are transformed – we are WildKin

Life forms a tapestry of connection and interdependence between communities of so many levels, from the microscopic to the galactic, rooting down deep, spreading out wide., and soaring up high. 

Fire is a sacred part of the WildKin experience, giving soothing and inviting warmth, enticing us to tend the wood and embers and ash, and reminding us of the great care that must be taken in this landscape shaped by fire in many ways – cultural, natural, accidental, intentional.

Sitting around the campfire as a constellation of star-bright community, stories are shared and heard, and we listen to the words and sounds and songs and silence of many kinds of kin, and the ever present crackle and pop of flickering flames.

Working with fire as a tool, we cook and share nourishing food and drinks with each other, and with green-blooded kin, fertilised by scraps and ash, transformed by heat and flame.

Playing with fire as a creative force – crafting and mending and pieces of art are birthed and wrought and emerge from the hands and hearts of those inspired and fueled by this bright flame of expression and power.

This year at WildKin Witchcamp, we dance with the destructive, regenerative, transformative, and creative aspects of Fire.


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Guiding principles

In deep time,
We inhabit a thriving ecology of all WildKin
– human, animal, plant, land and the unseen ones
Celebrating children
Supporting families
Growing sustainable community
A collaborative co-creation
Playful reverence for everyday magic
Nourishing, growing and mentoring for the future
Following the Reclaiming Principles of Unity
Strengthening relationships with the Darug community
Aiming to be a sustainable, plastic-free and de-colonising camp
Laughing, dancing, singing
As joyful, re-wilding, messy and playful beings.

We acknowledge Country – the living, breathing, singing, dancing lands, whose daily creativity nurtures our lives.

We acknowledge the first children of Country where this camp takes place – the Darug people, whose wise Old People have lived in relationships of care and kinship with this land for thousands upon thousands of years. 

We also acknowledge the historical complexity of the greater Sydney area. The invasion of this region, and the ongoing displacement, violence and disruption of culture caused by colonisation. So we also pay our respects to any other Indigenous people whose Country is in the wider area of our camp, and those who live there or have a special relationship with this area.

We acknowledge that Country is vibrant with the stories and lore of living cultures, and give our respects to all who keep that Spirit strong. We commit to listening deeply and acting with responsibility, care, and respect as we live our lives with this place. We take responsibility for the actions of our ancestors and commit to playing our part in active, meaningful justice for the harm caused by the ongoing wrongs of colonisation. May we walk together with love and respect in these ancient, living lands and pay attention to what Country asks of us.