Theme and story

The first five WildKin camps will center around the theme of an element. Our camp stories comes from listening to the land around our venue, and seeing how each element is present.

2022 – Blue Gum and Air

While here, we practice presence. We are fully and wholly present in these lands with these spirits and these beings.

We look to the ridges of the gully encompassed by tall guardians and teachers. Our green kin, the mighty Blue Gum.

The Blue Gums speak, and they say, “bring your children so we may teach them” and “Come sit with me. Closer, snuggle in. I haven’t had human touch in a while.”, “Lean on me. Let your head go. You will always find your rest in me.”

This year at WildKin Witchcamp, we delve deep into the magic of sharing right relationship with the Blue Gum.

View of Sydney Blue Gum (Eucalyptus Saligna), Lilli Pilli NSW Australia
Source: Wikipedia. Artist: Geekstreet. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0

2021 – Lyrebird and Earth

Our theme for 2021 was the element of Earth. Foundational and stable. Rock, bark, Hawkesbury sandstone. Grounding us in this new place, this new camp, amongst our Wild Kin.

During our camp visioning at the venue, there was a strong Lyrebird presence. So in 2021, we were singing and dancing and learning alongside the Lyrebird. What do they have to teach us about the element of earth, and about this place? What stories will we co-create?